The Vietnam Forest Certification Office, in collaboration with the Project to Enhance Natural Resource Management (SRNM2), organized a capacity-building training course on Sustainable Forest Management and forest certification under the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS) for forestry staff in the provinces participating in the SNRM2 Project.
To build the capacity of the state management agencies in charge and the forest owners aiming for forest certification in the future on the implementation of sustainable forest management and forest certification under the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS).
Training contents:
– Introduction of the National Forest Certification System (VFCS)
– Introduction of the sustainable forest management standard VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019
– Introduction of group forest management standards VFCS/PEFC ST 1004:2019
– Introduction of the Chain of Custody of forest and tree-based products – requirement PEFC ST 1002:2020
– Introduction of the standard of the usage of the VFCS/PEFC trademarks
– Steps to implement certificate of sustainable forest management (SFM) and Chain of Custody (CoC).
– Practicing risk and non-compliance assessment with VFCS/PEFC standards in the field.
Time: 10-12/8/2022
Training location: Tuyen Quang province
Teaching language: Vietnamese
Training experts: from the Office of Sustainable Forest Management Certification
Student: Local forestry management staff implementing the SNRM2 project