The Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) will jointly organize the regional conference the field dialogue of the project “Forestry and Trade for Development in ASEAN” funded by UNREDD and implemented by PEFC in Southeast Asian countries. Details of the conference are as follows:
Objectives: 1) Sharing achievements – results of the project; 2) Participatory review and sharing lessons learnt; 3) Moving toward and future interventions and 4) Participants will also be invited to joint a field trip to: examine the art of fast growing plantations, rubber plantations, wood and natural rubber production factories.
Duration: October 25 – 27, 2022
Meating mode: Face-to-face and virtual
Language: English
Interested professionals and organizations apply to participate according to the instructions below. After registration, the organizing committee will send the meeting LINK to the delegates. Registration deadline is August 30, 2022.