The Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS) was established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in 2019 and certified by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) in 2020 for a sustainable forest management certification system. In 2021, PEFC and the Vietnam Academy of Forestry Sciences (VAFS) (as a national forest certification body, a member of PEFC) have signed an administration contract. Based on the contract, VFCO (under VAFS) is the only organization authorized by PEFC to sign a notification contract to appoint a PEFC CoC- chain of custody certification organization to operate in the Vietnamese territory. After April 18, 2022, all organizations providing PEFC CoC certification services in the territory of Vietnam must sign appointment contracts with VFCO, including organizations that previously signed appointment contracts by international PEFC. In addition, VFCO is also the organization responsible for licensing and managing PEFC logos and labels in Vietnam.
To help certification organizations understand the regulations when applying for designation as a certification body in the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS), the VFCO organizes a webinar: “Requirements and procedures for certification bodies participating in the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme VFCS and PEFC”. Webinar detail is as follows:
Time : 14:00-16:30 on February 27, 2023
Format: Online via zoom software
Content: The conference will share regulations on:
– Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP dated July 1, 2016 of the Government regulating regulations on business conditions for conformity assessment services;
– Standard VFCS/PEFS ST 1006:2022 Requirements for certification bodies operating against the vietnam forest certification scheme or PEFC CoC certificate ;
– Standard PEFC ST 2003:2020 Requirements for CBs operating Certification Against the PEFC International CoC Standard;
– Guidelines for VFCS/PEFC GD 1007:2022 Procedure for Certification Bodies Notification Operating Certification Against VFCS.
Participants: Certification bodies, interested auditors;
Language: Vietnamese
Interested organizations and individuals register for the seminar: Contact Ms. Le Vu Hong Nhung, Tel: 0386839498; email: . Deadline for registration is February 25, 2023.