Announcement of Regional Risk Assessment for Vietnam Forests

The Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) is an important part of the Sustainable Biomass Programme (SBP) in identifying and managing risks associated with sourcing sustainable feedstock for biomass production. Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS) in collaboration with SBP has completed RRA for whole Vietnam. The assessment applies SBP standards and procedures to verify the legality and sustainability of raw material supplied from the forests. The assessment considers every single specific criteria of the following principles: (i) Principle 1: Feedstock is legally sourced; (ii) Principle 2: Feedstock sourcing does not harm the environment; (iii) Principle 3: Feedstock is only sourced from Supply Bases where the forest carbon stock is stable or increasing in the long term; and (iv) Principle 4: Feedstock sourcing benefits people and communities. For detailed information, download the report here.


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