PEFC launches global awareness campaign on sustainable furniture use

In a booming industry, sustainability is more important than ever.

 With 65% growth over the past ten years, the global furniture market has grown strongly. Furniture wood demand is rapidly developing, from oak in temperate zones to teak and mahogany from the tropics. How can these forests continue to grow with the demand for wood increasing? Furthermore, how can consumers make choices that help conserve the world’s forests, maintain biodiversity, and make a real contribution to mitigating the impacts of climate change?

Consumers choosing certified and sustainably sourced furniture is one way to make a difference.

When furniture manufacturers choose sustainably sourced wood, when furniture retailers sell responsible products, and when consumers choose furniture sourced from sustainability certification, all of which contribute to the conservation and maintenance of our forests. It is a way of keeping forests sustainable, protecting the diversity of wildlife that inhabit them, and improving the livelihoods of the millions of people living in and around them who depend on them.

That is why the International Sustainable Forest Management Certification Program (PEFC) launched a global awareness campaign about using furniture from sustainable wood sources. PEFC is committed to doing everything possible to help the supply chain meet standards for responsible and sustainable procurement.

This program was launched from Southeast Asia, announced by the ASEAN Furniture Industry Council (AFIC) and PEFC in July this year, and lasts for four years to promote the sustainability of the supply chain, furniture application, and responsible procurement.

Individual alternatives have a global impact

As the third-highest wood consumption globally, the furniture industry accounts for about 12% of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The IPCC’s recent report highlights the urgency to reduce these emissions. Fortunately, consumers increasingly support materials labeled as sustainable. In a 2018 survey by the Sustainable Furniture Council, nearly 60% of respondents said they would preferably pay more for environmentally sustainable furniture.

In recognition of increasing consumer awareness, PEFC International CEO Ben Gunneberg recommends that companies in the furniture supply chain that do not use certified materials “have created risks and their effects on people and the environment can be substantial.”

The next awareness campaign will address existing problems in the value chain. PEFC says its target audience for the campaign includes furniture retailers, supply chain companies, trade associations, consultants, interior designers, architects, and woodworking vocational training schools.

The launch campaign will be conducted via a webinar on the Zoom app, broadcast live on Facebook, on Wednesday, September 15, from 10:00-11:00 CEST (15:00-16: 00 Hanoi time). The panel includes a one-on-one panel discussion with representatives from industry, retailers, forest certification, and consumer perspectives,  moderated by a journalist with many years of forestry experience in Southeast Asia.

Register for the webinar here:

About PEFC: The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is the world’s most extensive sustainable forest management certification system and the choice for smallholder forest owners, certifying more than 300 million hectares of forest in 49 countries with a recognized Forest Certification System. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, PEFC is recognized for the independent assessment, validation, and accreditation of member countries’ forest certification systems. For more information, please contact the following address:

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