On December 12th 2024, The European Commission has officially recognised PEFC as a RED II compliant certification scheme. Companies in the forest biomass supply chain and energy producers from forest biomass fuels will be able to use PEFC RED II certification to comply with RED II obligations.
PEFC RED II certification has been formally recognised by the European Commission (EC) to demonstrate the compliance of consignments of biomass fuels derived from forest biomass, ligno-cellulosic processing residues from forest related industries, and ligno-cellulosic waste with the sustainability criteria laid down in Article 29(6) and (7) of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).

PEFC RED II certification has also been recognised to provide accurate data on greenhouse gas emissions savings for the purpose of Article 29(10) of RED II, as it ensures that all relevant information from economic operators upstream in the chain of custody is transferred to the economic operators downstream in the chain of custody.
This Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/3181 recognising the PEFC RED II scheme has the validity of five years until 21 December 2029. Discover PEFC RED II standards here: PEFC REDII ST 5002:2024 Additional requirements for organisations; PEFC REDII ST 5003:2024 Additional requirements for CBs; PEFC REDII ST 5004:2024 Requirements for the Development of Level A Risk Assessments.
Arcording to PEFC