Free PEFC Chain of Custody course for wood processing companies or factories

Are you thinking about gaining PEFC certification for your business, but are not sure what this involves? Are you already certified, but would like to learn more about PEFC? Then this training is for you.

In order to help businesses and stakeholders with wood processing companies or factories gain more understanding and experience in implementing the Chain of Custody (PEFC CoC) standard, PEFC has designed a course for large and small businesses that have or are participating in the supply chain of wooden furniture.

The training is made up of ten modules, each between 4-36 minutes long for a total of 2 hours 40 minutes with video, quiz, and downloadable slides. You can go through all the modules or pick and choose the ones that are relevant to you:

  • Module 1: Introduction to PEFC
  • Module 2: Introduction of PEFC chain of custody standards
  • Module 3: Management system requirements
  • Module 4: Chain of custody claims
  • Module 5: Due diligence system. Bonus: How PEFC is aligned with the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
  • Module 6: Chain of custody methods
  • Module 7: Multi-site certification: producer group and outsourcing. Best practices from Alcea, Finland.
  • Module 8: Trademark usage, communication, and database
  • Module 9: How to become PEFC certified
  • Module 10: Forests are Home awareness campaign

Details and registration here.

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