Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable forest management

On 9 August 2022, Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) had a meeting with Mr. Christopher Martis – Director of CIFOR Germany, Ms. Pham Thu Thuy – Representative of CIFOR Vietnam and Ms Le Hoang Anh – Department of Science Technology and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

At the meeting, the parties exchanged cooperation, developed and implemented the program “Mitigation Initiative Toward Improved GHG budgets and co-benefits in Agri-Food SysTEms (MITIGATE+)”. It is expected that the initiative will have 5 components: (1) Strategy Development and Planning; (2) Closing Evidence and Data Gaps; (3) Living Laboratories; (4) Scaling Low-Emissions Food System Practices; (5) Engagement and Agenda Setting.

The program is expected to be implemented in 5 countries: China, Colombia, Kenya and Vietnam. In the coming time, Vietnam Forest Certification Office will coordinate with CIFOR and other stakeholders in designing detailed activities, contributing to the implementation of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam.


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