On September 9 and 10, 2022, Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) organized a training course for auditors and experts on sustainable forest management under the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme (VFCS). The face-to-face training course was held at VFCO and the training contents included the VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019 – Sustainable forest management standards; VFCS/PEFC ST 1004:2019 – Group forest management standards; VFCS/PEFC ST 1008:2022 – Guidelines for using VFCS/PEFC trademark. In addition, the training course also introduced about VFCS, certification assessment process, regulations for certification bodies and steps to implement sustainable forest management certification according to VFCS/PEFC.
There were 22 participants from certification bodies, forestry companies, research institutes and independent consultants. The training method includes theoretical presentation combined with group discussion on case studies related to the requirements of the standards. The combination of theory and discussion, practical case exercises gives students new experiences and shares practical experiences in forest certification assessment, in accordance with the requirements of the standards for sustainable forest management as well as other requirements of the VFCS/PEFC.
Training on sustainable forest management under the VFCS/PEFC for auditors and experts is a regular activity of VFCO to enhance the capacity of experts and stakeholders to promote sustainable forest management and forest certification in Vietnam.