Training on VFCS/ PEFC Sustainable Forest Management standard

In 2 days, January 19-20, 2022, VFCO organized “Specialized training on Assesors and Auditors to Implement VFCS/PEFC Forest Certification Services in Viet Nam” via Zoom meeting. There were 22 participants from certification bodies and research organizations. The content of the training course includes: Sustainable Forest Management Standard (VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019); Group Forest Management Certification (VFCS/PEFC ST 1004:2019); PEFC Trademarks Rules PEFC ST 2001:2020; Rules of VFCS logousage VFCS/PEFC ST 1008:2019 and Issuance of VFCS logo usage VFCS/PEFC GD 1009:2019.

Trainees were provided with sufficient information and documents before the training to understand the basic requirements of the training content. During the training, in addition to the theory part, the trainees were required to perform group exercises, situation analysis and discussion. At the end of the course, each student took part in a transparent and fair test, in accordance with international practices, to be certified and granted a certificate of course completion when meeting the requirements. The results of the survey and evaluation of the training course showed that the trainees had positive feedback and appreciated the quality and organization of the training course.

VFCO continuously organizes training and capacity building activities for Certification bodies, experts and stakeholders on the implementation of forest certification assessment under the VFCS/PEFC system. Information about training courses and events is regularly updated on the website of VFCO.

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