Webinar Requirements and procedures for certification bodies participating in the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme VFCS and PEFC

On March 27, 2022, the Vietnam Forest Certification Office (VFCO) in cooperation with the Department of Forestry Production Development – Vietnam Administration of Forestry and Bureau of Accreditation (BoA) organized a webinar: “Requirements and procedures for certification bodies participating in the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme VFCS and PEFC”. There were above 30 participants who were representatives of certification bodies, auditor, specialist and related stakeholders.

The webinar introduced the procedure for issuing a certificate of operation registration under the provisions of Decree No. 107/2016/ND-CP dated on July 1st 2016, Requirements for certification bodies operating against the vietnam forest certification scheme or PEFC CoC certificate, Notification procedures for certification bodies operating against the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme and PEFC; forest certification fees. The discussion section attracted the attentions of the delegates and addressed question from certification bodies.

VFCO continuously organizes training and capacity building activities for Certification bodies, experts and stakeholders on the implementation of forest certification services under the VFCS/PEFC system. Information about training courses and events is regularly updated on the website of VFCO.

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