Updating the Sustainable Forest Management Standards – VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019

The Sustainable Forest Management Standard of the Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019 was issued in 2019. After nearly 5 years of implementation, according to market requirements, practical experience and requirements of PEFC, VNFOREST and VFCO are conducting a review, updated VFCS/PEFC ST 1003:2019 Standard.

The standard updating procedure is followed the VFCS/PEFC ST 1002:2019. The main objective of this update is to consider new market requirements related to legality, transparency, integrity and improve the quality of sustainable forest management practices, especially requirements on environmental protection. The updated standard will be widely consulted and is expected to be finalized in 2023.


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