Webinar on initial results and experiences to achieve PEFC international certification for rubber forests and rubber products

On September 22, 2021, PEFC will organize a webinar to share some of the results and experiences of smallholder rubber enterprises and growers who have obtained PEFC international certificates on sustainable rubber forest management chain of custody and building connections with the market.

Natural rubber is an essential material to create more than 40,000 products and is part of a supply chain worth $300 billion annually. Smallholders in Southeast Asia exploit about 85% of rubber production. Sustainable exploitation and management of rubber plantations also contribute to forest protection. These are also important activities to achieve the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations before 2030.

Sustainable forest management and chain of custody certification are new concepts for the rubber products manufacturing and processing industry. Nevertheless, through pilot projects that PEFC and its Member States have implemented with organizations, companies, and smallholder groups in Southeast Asia, it has been demonstrated that this certification is entirely feasible and necessary for the rubber industry.

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) has piloted certification in natural rubber and rubberwood product in Southeast Asia. In addition to the single certification for forest owners who are companies, through cooperation with smallholder rubber farmers of all sizes, PEFC has successfully developed and applied the Group Certification, allowing Smallholder rubber farmers to coordinate and implement sustainable management measures. Experiences from participants in pilot projects have brought practical value to the rubber industry in implementing PEFC certification. Speakers and attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the benefits of PEFC certification, including improved management systems, reduced risk, expanded market access, and improved livelihoods and productivity of smallholder rubber households.

In Vietnam, the National Sustainable Forest Management Certification Authority (VFCS – Vietnam Forest Certification Scheme) is a member of PEFC – operated under the management of the Vietnam Administration of Forestry and coordinated with the Vietnam Forestry Administration, coordinating and guiding the Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) to facilitate support for the Group’s member companies, develop a sustainable forest management plan, and register for forest certification. By August 2021, over 54,500 hectares of rubber from 12 VRG member companies have been granted VFCS/PEFC-FM certificates of sustainable forest management, and 22 rubber latex processing factories are in the process of auditing to certificate the chain of custody of products (PEFC-CoC).

The webinar PEFC Sustainable Rubber Certification – Perspectives from Pioneers will answer frequently asked technical questions during the certification process. It will provide a clear explanation of all types of certification, including sustainable forest management for smallholder rubber forest owners and enterprises and chain of custody certification in the rubber value chain. At the webinar, VRG’s representative will deliver a report to share experiences implemented and plan for the next step to expand the number of rubber areas and factories certified by VFCS and PEFC. The webinar is part of PEFC’s Campaign to Support Sustainable Rubber. The campaign tells the story of natural rubber and rubber producers, creating a connection between production, protecting forests, and improving the lives of rubber growers.

Time: 15:00 – 16:00 September 22, 2021

Delegates can register to attend the webinar here: treee.es/firstmovers-web

Speakers in the Conference:

  • Richard Laity, HR Manager Southeast Asia of PEFC
  • Rungnapa Wattanavichian, Project Manager, Forest Certification Council of Thailand (TFCC)
  • Diep Xuan Truong, Member of Steering Committee for Sustainable Development, Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG)

Language: Seminar in English with translation into Vietnamese

About PEFC: The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)   is the most extensive sustainable forest management certification system globally and is the preference of small forest owners, covering more than 300 million hectares across 49 national systems to meet PEFC sustainability standards. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, PEFC has been recognized for providing independent assessment, validation, and accreditation of national forest certification systems. PEFC has comprehensive relationships with stakeholders throughout Southeast Asia, where most of the world’s natural rubber is produced.

DETAILS: Contact Ms. Ha Thi Quynh Hoa, Marketing Officer – PEFC Southeast Asia; halleyha91@gmail.com; Mobile: +84964264496.

Vietnam Forest Certification Office

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